Home Care Services

Alzheimer's-Dementia Care

We specialize in helping families whose aging loved ones suffer from any type of dementia, including Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, MS, memory impairment, or behavioral changes.

Companion Service

Regardless of whether your loved one simply requires medication reminders or needs help with basic chores, our experienced caregivers provide these services in a variety of settings. 

Hospital Sitter Service

We know that being at the hospital bedside of a loved one 24/7 can be draining and oftentimes impossible due to work and family commitments. We’re here to help.

Nursing Home / Assisted Living

We know it’s not easy when a loved one needs to stay indefinitely in a nursing home or assisted living facility but we can provide a qualified and compassionate caregiver to care for them in any location.

Respite Care

Respite Care is available to the primary caregivers who either need some time to handle personal business, go on a trip, or have become ill themselves. 

24-Hour Care

If your loved one needs special care around the clock, Goldstar Home Healthcare, Inc. has qualified Caregivers to help. Our dedicated staff provides assistance with personal care, light housekeeping, meal preparation, and more.

Service Inclusions

Bathing, Grooming, and Hygiene needs

Light Housekeeping, Laundry, and Bed Linens

Phone calls, email, and reading mail.

Running errand, appointments, and social outing


Exercising, walking, movement, or PT routines

Meal preparation/assistance with eating

Reminder services (medications, dates, routines, etc.)

Entertaining (crafts, games, brain games, reading, etc.)

Pet care

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